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2023 Workshop for using the KSI Achievement Evaluation Question Bank






NO.120 June 2023

Now, in KSIF

2023 Workshop for using the KSI Achievement Evaluation Question Bank

> Practice-oriented education to nurture professionals for achievement evaluation
> Expansion of the question bank system for autonomous achievement evaluation of KSI

The King Sejong Institute Foundation held a Non-face-to-face, In-depth Workshop for using the Question Bank for KSI Achievement Evaluation from June 14 to July 7, targeting all teachers at KSI. The in-depth workshop is characterized by focusing on practices and targeting the instructors who have taken the basic training for the system.

170 people completed the basic training conducted in the first half, and 80 are to participate in the in-depth workshop. In addition, the in-depth workshop will be divided into a total of 7 classes according to the time differences by country and the instructor types, and each class will be given 2 to 3 lectures.

The KSI Achievement Evaluation Question Bank System was introduced to provide achievement evaluation tailored to the needs of Korean language learners in each country and institute. After a trial operation at KSI in 2021, training was given to instructors. From this year on, all KSI locations will start using the system.

KSIF plans to strengthen the evaluation capabilities of Korean instructors through in-depth lectures by the KSI achievement evaluation team, question-making practices, and the opinions of individuals, and to expand the autonomous achievement evaluation of the institute.

President Lee Hai-young gave words of encouragement to the teachers for their passion, saying, “I hope this will be a beneficial time to think about and develop together for a better path for achievement evaluation of KSI learners.” She added, “KSIF will continue to work on the stabilization of performance evaluation and expansion of the use of the system.”

KSI Achievement Evaluation Question Bank System

KSI Instructors are participating in the “Non-face-to-face In-Depth Workshop for using the KSI Achievement Evaluation Question Bank.”


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